Invest In Austin's People

Preserve Austin's Housing

Join the Austin Housing Conservancy’s $50 million capital raise to protect workforce housing for Austinites. Make money. Feel good. Preserve what makes Austin special.

Join the Austin Housing Conservancy’s $50 million capital raise to protect workforce housing for Austinites.
Make money. Feel good. Preserve what makes Austin special.

Award Winning Organization


Austin is in the midst of an affordability crisis that is affecting its core workforce such as educators, first responders, hospitality employees and more middle-income individuals vital to the city’s livability. Unless immediate action is taken to preserve affordable housing for middle-income families, Austin will suffer the same fate as San Francisco, Seattle, Boston and other major cities with unlivable rent and cost-of-living expenses. Core employees will be priced out of the city. Your children’s schools lose more teachers, your local ER loses more nurses and your company loses more employees.

Failure to act now risks your child losing his favorite teacher, your fire station losing its crew chief, or your local ER losing its best triage nurse


Entry Level: $42,371
Area average: $57,649
HS soccer coach: $43,467


Nurse (LPN): $59,199
Cardiac technician: $49,902 Nutritionist: $51,522


Paramedic: $47,745
Semi-conductor tech: $55,886
Paralegal: $45,000


HVAC Technician: $60,670
Plumber: $61,397
Property Manager: $64,868

Source: SmartAsset/BusinessInsider, Paycheck to Paycheck/National Housing Conference

The Austin Housing Conservancy is one solution addressing Austin's workforce affordability crisis.


Annual income needed to afford a
2-bedroom apartment in Austin

Annual income needed to afford a
2-bedroom apartment in Austin

The Conservancy is the best, most agile solution to stabilize housing expenses for teachers, first responders, maintenance professionals, medical technicians, their families and others at risk of being priced out of Austin.  The fund invests and preserves rapidly disappearing multifamily properties currently affordable to moderate and middle-income individuals and families by maintaining affordable rental rates that increase proportionally with wage growth.

Invest in Greater Austin

An open-ended social impact private equity fund.
The first fund to preserve workforce housing for the long-term.
A direct investment in Austinites who don’t have assistance programs available to low-income residents.
A flexible, discretionary, risk-adjusted investment strategy that preserves multifamily rental housing for moderate- to middle-income central Texas employees and their families.

The fund earns triple-bottom-line returns


Preserve affordable housing for Austin’s workforce


Earn steady, risk-adjusted returns in the high single-digits


Limit environmental impact of new construction and keep employees close to their workplaces

The Research

As an investment vehicle, Moderate Income Rental Housing (MIRH) delivers consistent, predictable returns, demand for affordable rental housing is surging, and interest in Impact-focused investments is growing. MIRH compares favorably in terms of its return and has a lower variation in total returns from year to year (risk) since 2011 as compared to other common asset classes.

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If you are interested in more information on Austin Housing Conservancy or Affordable Central Texas, please provide your contact information below. Thank you.

Interested in Investing?

Accredited investors can explore how the Austin Housing Conservancy Fund maximizes your portfolio’s social and environmental impact.